A hundred miles into yesterdays ride and I was honestly beginning to think we had bit off a little more than we could chew. We underestimated our time in the hills, Columbia traffic, a bike shop parts run and a flat repair. We were an hour and a half late into Orangeburg. Today was a whole different story. Getting away from the worst of the traffic and major hills we were able to keep our team together in a nice paceline the entire day. It’s been great getting to know the guys and learning to function like a real team.
We had a special treat waiting for us in Statesboro (GA) tonight. A member of
Grace Community Church (our host church) found out about the ride and offered to put the whole team up for the night in their hotel. Thanks again Jon (and Nathan and Grace!) and Pastor Mike. We appreciate your heart for your community and for those still waiting for Scripture in their own language.
Today was 112 miles, a beautiful ride. We have a short day tomorrow, 92 miles to Patterson, GA. Thanks for your prayers for the team. We ask

you to pray for the Bible translation needs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, so many are waiting.
Lets ride!
Pictures 1) We're loving our team jerseys 2) Georgia line--229 miles south of Waxhaw
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