Deut 33:26
Today, in Africa alone, approximately 800 language groups remain in need of Bible translation. A group of cyclists from Wycliffe Bible Translators is doing something about it!
Between May 9th and May 14th, 2009, the group will pedal from JAARS (a Wycliffe partner organization) in Waxhaw, North Carolina, to the Wycliffe USA office in Orlando, Florida, carrying a message of Bible translation need. Through the ride, the cyclists hope to raise the funds needed to help 45 Christians in the Democratic Republic of Congo receive Bible translation training at a university level so that they can translate the Bible for their own languages groups.
Along the way, the cyclists will stop at churches to talk about the worldwide need for Bible translation and offer ways to get involved through prayer, financial partnership and service opportunities.
You can read about their experience here on the blog. Be sure to read more about the worldwide need for Bible translation at the Wycliffe homepage, and explore ways you can become part of the solution through prayer, financial partnership and service. Click here to help fund these scholarhip opportunities.