I blogged last week’s century ride; what I didn’t mention was the fact that I had to do it on my back-up, my mountain bike. I was really looking forward to that ride and I wasn’t going to miss it…it was just a lot of work keeping up with my buddies on their lean mean road machines. My old Mongoose weighs in at 33 pounds! I was doing good until that long pull at the front at the 60 mile mark, a little much for my left knee. No major drama, just had to take it a little easy on the training last week.
What a contrast getting back on my road bike for yesterday’s 52-miler! The modern stealth, high-tech bicycle is truly a magnificent machine! I opened up a little on one flat stretch (all there is in Central Florida) and propelled myself up over 30 mph. I was flying.
Indulge me for a moment…I’m not sure I can bridge this concept but let me give it a go. Consider the fact that 200 million people in the world do not have a single verse of Scripture in their heart language. They may have the Bible in a related language or have heard it read and preached in their national or majority language. But I’ve heard so many stories describing the first time they hear it in their own language. It opens up a whole new world of understanding. For those with ears to hear, mother-tongue Scripture in a culturally appropriate form is a resounding message, strong and clear.
It might be a stretch, but understanding God’s Word in one’s second or third language (if you have it at all) is like trying to keep up with the roadies on your clunky old mountain bike. Yeah, it’s two wheels, a little faster than walking but you’re not in the running, you’re “spit out the back”, “in the dining car”, dead last.
We were made to fly! A vast crowd from every nation and tribe and people and language!

pic--home in the hanger
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