I had a great time with cycling buddies from Campus Crusade last weekend on a hundred-mile ride west of Orlando. The Gen. James A. Van Fleet State Trail is described as one of Central Florida's most rural... which seems like an understatement, especially when you let your mind contemplate all the unexpected things that could go wrong in the middle of no where (there’s a story about my wife here—another time). But who’s interested in worrying (preparing, yes) about things that
could go wrong?!

The trail is a crazy-straight 29 mile stretch of old railroad with one, I say again, one slight 5 degree turn the entire length. And flat as a pancake. It was almost tempting to close my eyes just to see how far I could go without looking…kidding. We cycled about 14 miles to join up at the lower third of the trail, rode to the south end, to the north end and back to the south end before heading back the way we came.

Century rides will become much more common in my immediate future as I, along with my Wycliffe colleagues train for the May 9th ride. We do not spin aimlessly… there are up to 120 languages in the DRC needing Scripture. The funds raised through this endeavor will sponsor university-level training for 45 Congolese Bible translators. The Word of God in the mother tongue—good seed indeed!
--Doug Haag
pictures 1) group shot at the 50 mile mark. 2) final stretch home. 3) riding the straight and narrow--courtesy John Douglass. Thanks man.
Yay bikers!
-Paul Merrill for Wycliffe's The Seed Company
Nice Doug! I like the video. I was thinking about mounting my camera on my handle bar (I have a waterproof case) .. but a helmet camera .. that's the ticket! :-) I'll have to start thinking 'bigger' as I train and ride.
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