Sunday, April 26, 2009

Sat: Not long ... but not easy.

It's been a little over a week since I first spoke with Ed on the phone - in preparation for riding together while he's here for some work related business. The hope was to get at least 1 ride in together on Saturday and we'll see what happens with the rest of the week.

Ed and I had talked about doing the 40 loop twice, but due to time and riding conditions (strong winds) we did one 46 mile loop together. It was fun being the 'host' and taking Ed on my regular route so he could experience what my route is like, what the riding conditions have been like and just to share some time together.

The ride south was into the wind: pretty tough going. We had a very brief light sprinkle, but not enough to become dangerous. We left from my house and stopped at Walgreen's at the turn around point about 1 1/2 hours later. The return trip went quicker with the aid of the wind. We saw speeds in the 20's, 30's and even 40's. There are parts of this route that have some rough road and since I'm pretty familiar with the roads it's safer for Ed to lead so he can navigate with the benefit of seeing the whole road (we also took turns leading so the other could have a rest from pulling into the wind).

It was great meeting Ed for the first time. We've communicated a couple times by email but it was nice to meet face to face, to have him in my home briefly, show him the quick family photos and head off on a ride together... both taking turns praying to our God with thanksgiving and requests.

The riding conditions were tough, but it was a Great ride!


Steve Miller said...

Dan, do you wonder anymore why I call that route the Tour d'Torture? :-)

I'm sorry communications got fouled up on my end, and I didn't get to ride with you. I would have liked to ride with Ed, after chatting with him by email for the last two years.

D. H. said...

I think it's a balanced route: flat, short hard ups, fast downs, into the wind, with the wind ... a route that you can be struggling to do 10 mph on and then later be doing 40+. And you were with me the only time so far that I've done it twice in the same day. :0

I think it's my favorite route!