Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Over the Hill

Last week I rode a couple of afternoons with Rollie - 18 and 34. Things seemed to be about "normal", so Saturday I signed on to the "Morrow Mountain Massacre". It's a 60mi. near Charlotte, with lots of hills. I was feeling good, rode out with the fast crew for a few miles, when it hit me that all was not well with the digestive tract. The first rest stop at 19 mi. found me hugging the toilet. It was drag from there on. I sagged after 30. Sunday, I woke up feeling terrible. Hit the Excedrin and off to church. I drug myself to the 2:00 PM 20 miler, but when I got on the bike, I was fine - go figure. Today, I feel fine, better watch out ?
Deut 33:26


Doug said...

Is this what it means to "blow snot bubbles"??

D. H. said...

No. Gordon would be the expert on this topic, but my understanding / experience with "blowing snot bubbles" (BSB) didn't involve digestive tract issues. It involves working very hard, not getting enough O2 and the ensuing runny nose...all three work together to produce the mysterious BSB.