Monday morning Gordon and I left Orlando in our rental car for Waxhaw, NC, driving the route in reverse. I had already done a virtual 400 ft “flyover” the whole distance via Google Earth (amazing what you can do with the internet) but we needed to get an intimate feel for the road, the lay of the land, mileage to turns and rest stops (SAG stops in cycle-speak) for our detailed maps and cue sheets. In addition to all this we were trying to make our appointments at our over-night host churches. We knew face to face meetings with these gracious folks a couple months in advance would go a long way in making the whole event a great success.
Wednesday was spent in Waxhaw at the JAARS Center (Wycliffe’s support arm of missionary aviators, mechanics, radio and computer techie-types) meeting several staff assisting us in promoting and supporting the ride. JAARS is providing SAG (support and gear) equipment—van and trailer and hopefully the volunteer driver to go with it. We might have picked up a couple more cyclists too!
Wednesday morning was also a scramble to come up with a contingency route through the heart of downtown Jacksonville, FL. Our initial plans to bypass and cruise the scenic Atlantic coast up to Fernandina Beach crashed and burned when we discovered that the Highway 1A Mayport Ferry across the St. John’s River had been closed since February 2nd. Looks like Highway 1 from Callahan straight through to St. Augustine will be a good option. We’ll be investigating the need to get a “parade license” to “take the lane” through the nation’s 12th largest city—gotta love the adventure!
Today was a productive day—first half of our second pass. Patterson Baptist Church is putting us up again—thanks Pastor James (and Alvin and Ruth and Diane)! Pray us through Jacksonville tomorrow!
We’re pumped about actually getting to cycle the incredible country we’ve been driving. We’re pumped about the response and hospitality of the churches long the way. We’re finding favor in all we’re doing. It’s fresh, it’s new, it’s fun. I think it’s God.

In that SAG vehicle, get an Amateur Radio operator who knows about APRS to ride with you and track your route that way.
W3JC, Jim Chepey, has his own gear and may be able to help. He works at JAARS.
Sounds like a GREAT trip. I especially like that first photo of the hills rolling straight into the horizon ... COOL! Only 71 more days - 10 weeks from tomorrow. So much still to do, but the anticipation is starting to build.. :-)
I like the countdown at 42 days and counting down. The anticipation is starting to turn to nervousness. :-)
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